15 Nov 2010

Although I'm feeling far too inarticulate and Monday morning-esque to go into detail, I'd just like to say how much I enjoyed Literature at Ladyfest Ten. Especially the History of Women's Erotica, which did a fine job of debunking myths about why erotic publications for women haven't been so successful - clue: it's not because we don't like sex, or 'aren't visual creatures' as the Daily Mail would have you believe. And the 'Read Dirty To Me' session which fitted in with my current mood of randy, filthy and curious...you never know when you might sit in a room full of strangers and listen to stories about lesbian fisting! I also loved the general atmosphere, zine stalls, and nice/cool/achingly funky-looking girls everywhere.

Links of note:
Fat Quarter, a women's magazine for those totally turned off by 'women's magazines'

Pamflet Zine, a zine and blog on culture, fashion and feminism with some excellent photos from Ladyfest

For Books' Sake, 'the intelligent yet irreverent books website for women'.

Filament Magazine, criminally not stocked in UK shops because apparently naked men is 'too explicit' whereas it's fine to have FHM on the shelf just above the Tweenies magazine - don't get me started - and which describes itself as "The quarterly women's magazine inspired by the rocket science that women have brains and eyes". Love it.

1 comment:

her mouth said...

you took the words right outta my mouth! xxx